Dreijähriger identifiziert seinen Mörder aus vergangenem Leben
3-Year-Old Remembers Past Life, Identifies Murderer and Location of Body

Zitat:The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge.
In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.

A 3-year-old boy in the Golan Heights region near the border of Syria and Israel said he was murdered with an axe in his previous life. He showed village elders where the murderer buried his body, and sure enough they found a man’s skeleton there. He also showed the elders where the murder weapon was found, and upon digging, they did indeed found an axe there.

In his book, “Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation Today,” German therapist Trutz Hardo tells this boy’s story, along with other stories of children who seem to remember their past lives with verified accuracy. The boy’s story was witnessed by Dr. Eli Lasch, who is best known for developing the medical system in Gaza as part of an Israeli government operation in the 1960s. Dr. Lasch, who died in 2009, had recounted these astounding events to Hardo.

The boy was of the Druze ethnic group, and in his culture the existence of reincarnation is accepted as fact. His story nonetheless had the power to surprise his community.

He was born with a long, red birthmark on his head. The Druse believe, as some other cultures do, that birthmarks are related to past-life deaths. When the boy was old enough to talk, he told his family he had been killed by a blow to the head with an axe.

It is customary for elders to take a child at the age of 3 to the home of his previous life if he remembers it. The boy knew the village he was from, so they went there. When they arrived in the village, the boy remembered the name he had in his past life.

A village local said the man the boy claimed to be the reincarnation of had gone missing four years earlier. His friends and family thought he may have strayed into hostile territory nearby as sometimes happens.

The boy also remembered the full name of his killer. When he confronted this man, the alleged killer’s face turned white, Lasch told Hardo, but he did not admit to murder. The boy then said he could take the elders to where the body was buried. In that very spot, they found a man’s skeleton with a wound to the head that corresponded to the boy’s birthmark. They also found the axe, the murder weapon.

Faced with this evidence, the murderer admitted to the crime. Dr. Lasch, the only non-Druze, was present through this whole process.

Quelle: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/681034-3-year-old-remembers-past-life-identifies-murderer-and-location-of-body/

Der Fall spricht für sich — ein Paradebeispiel, wie sich Verstorbene an ihren Peinigern rächen.

Das Geburtsmal an der Stelle, wo der Junge im früheren Leben mit der Axt getroffen wurde, finde ich auch erwähnenswert.
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Kannst du das mal bitte übersetzen?
Es bedanken sich:
Aber klar doch! Lol

Zitat: The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge.
In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities. Are they true? You decide.

Zitat: Das Universum ist voller Mysterien, die unsere derzeitigen Erfahrungen herausfordern.
In „Beyond Science“ sammelt “Epoch Times” Geschichten über diese seltsamen Phänomene, um die Vorstellungskraft anzuregen und für ungeahnte Möglichkeiten zu öffnen. Sind sie wahr? Ihr entscheidet.

A 3-year-old boy in the Golan Heights region near the border of Syria and Israel said he was murdered with an axe in his previous life. He showed village elders where the murderer buried his body, and sure enough they found a man’s skeleton there. He also showed the elders where the murder weapon was found, and upon digging, they did indeed found an axe there.

Ein dreijähriger Junge von den Golanhöhen an der Grenze von Syrien und Israel sagte, dass er im letzten Leben mit einer Axt umgebracht wurde. Er zeigte den Dorfältesten, wo der Mörder seinen Körper vergraben hatte, und tatsächlich fanden sie das Skelett eines Mannes dort. Er zeigte den Ältesten, wo die Mörderwaffe gefunden gefunden werden konnte, und nach Graben fanden sie tatsächlich eine Axt dort.

The boy was of the Druze ethnic group, and in his culture the existence of reincarnation is accepted as fact. His story nonetheless had the power to surprise his community.

Der Junge gehörte zur Volksgruppe der Drusen, und in seiner Kultur ist die Existenz von Wiedergeburt als Tatsache akzeptiert. Seine Geschichte hatte nichtsdestotrotz die Kraft, seine Gemeinschaft zu überraschen.

He was born with a long, red birthmark on his head. The Druse believe, as some other cultures do, that birthmarks are related to past-life deaths. When the boy was old enough to talk, he told his family he had been killed by a blow to the head with an axe.

Er wurde mit einem langen roten Geburtsmal auf seinem Kopf geboren. Die Drusen glauben, wie einige andere Kulturen auch, dass Geburtsmale mit den Toden aus vergangenen Leben im Zusammenhang stehen. Als der Junge alt genug war zu reden, erzählte er seiner Familie, dass er durch den Schlag einer Axt auf den Kopf getötet wurde.

It is customary for elders to take a child at the age of 3 to the home of his previous life if he remembers it. The boy knew the village he was from, so they went there. When they arrived in the village, the boy remembered the name he had in his past life.

Es ist für die Ältesten so üblich, ein Kind ab dem dritten Lebensjahr zu dem Wohnort seines früheren Lebens zu bringen, wenn es sich daran erinnert. Der Junge wusste das Dorf, aus dem er kam, also gingen sie dort hin. Als sie im Dorf ankamen, erinnerte sich der Junge an den Namen, den er in seinem vergangenen Leben hatte.

A village local said the man the boy claimed to be the reincarnation of had gone missing four years earlier. His friends and family thought he may have strayed into hostile territory nearby as sometimes happens.

Ein Einheimischer des Dorfes sagte, dass der Mann, von welchem der Junge behauptet die Wiedergeburt zu sein, vier Jahre zuvor verschwand. Seine Freunde und Familie dachten, dass er vielleicht in feindlichem Gebiet geblieben ist, wie es manchmal passiert.

The boy also remembered the full name of his killer. When he confronted this man, the alleged killer’s face turned white, Lasch told Hardo, but he did not admit to murder. The boy then said he could take the elders to where the body was buried. In that very spot, they found a man’s skeleton with a wound to the head that corresponded to the boy’s birthmark. They also found the axe, the murder weapon.

Der Junge erinnerte sich auch an den vollen Namen seines Mörders. Als er diesen damit konfrontierte, wurde das Gesicht des vermeintlichen Mörders ganz bleich, erzählte Lasch Hardo, aber dieser gab nicht zu gemordet zu haben. Der Junge sagte dann, er könnte die Ältesten dorthinbringen, wo der Körper vergraben wurde. An derselben Stelle fanden sie das Skelett eines Mannes mit einer Wunde am Kopf, die dem Geburtsmal des Jungen entsprach. Sie fanden außerdem die Axt, die Mordwaffe.

Faced with this evidence, the murderer admitted to the crime. Dr. Lasch, the only non-Druze, was present through this whole process.

Mit dieser Beweisführung konfrontiert, gab der Mörder sein Verbrechen zu. Dr. Lasch, der einzige Nicht-Druse, war während des gesamten Ablaufes anwesend.
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